The 3 core skill methods of Shaolin Xinyiba 三元功法

In this course, you have the unique opportunity to learn 3 of the most important Gongfa exercises of Shaolin Xinyiba. You will build a powerful inner foundation and strengthen your structure with the correct practice of the Hunyuanzhuang posture, build a solid connection between your body, breath, and mind through the Eagle exercise, and learn the fundamental Xinyiba “Bone-twisting” skill to refine your internal dynamics.

A student who practices only these exercises for 3 years will develop better Kung Fu than someone who spent a lifetime practicing Taolu (forms).

These are the first “Gongfa” exercises that students learn, once they enter the gate and follow the path of traditional Shaolin Xinyi boxing. They are also exercises that will stay with you for the rest of your life – they are not only excellent enhancers of your martial abilities, but they strengthen your health and vitality, and are a great daily workout with a strong effect on your skill-level.

The skills that you develop here will also be applied in every single Taolu that you will learn – or already know. Thus, we highly recommend this course to all Shaolin practitioners who have not yet added these skills to their repertoire.

This course is reserved for Apprentice and Master members only.

Apprentice pricing


Masters membership pricing


Introduction to Skill-building work


3 Core Shaolin Xinyiba exercises